
Welcome To Chastest Consult

We exist as a marketing-communications and innovation boardroom. We seek, design and build business opportunities that create value over a long period of time. Our general belief is that a company’s frontiers today are its business tomorrow.
We are fully aware that these frontiers (borderline) can be technological, cultural, behavioural or commercial, and it’s our determined ambition to uncover all of the frontiers in equal measure. The core task of our work is focused on making businesses fit for these frontiers, in the most effective and efficient way possible.

This means we sit in between the high-end consultancy space on the one hand, which is occupied by the big traditional consultancy names, and the media, marketing, creative, growth hacking and digital agencies on the other. We find ourselves working alongside or competing against both types of companies on the projects we have been working on.

We distinguish ourselves by adding a cultural edge and design kudos which is lacking in the former group and an insightful thinking, analytical and deeper understanding of brands which often lacks in the latter group. The result is quite a unique blend, and feedback from clients and prospects have proven us right.

Chastest is an amassment of individual experience in every aspect of business, marketing and communications – print, broadcast, online, social and mobile media. These professionals have not just studied the industry; they have excelled within it, either as respected journalists who covered both news and features, or as top executives who operated and managed print/electronic advertising and communications for major corporations. Versatile and with significant international experience, this firm will keep you competitively ahead in today’s globalized business environment.
Chastest will put your company at the forefront of its target audience or customers – an absolute requirement for success in today’s wired world.
We strongly believe that learning is a continuous process; therefore, with every client we tend to improve and experiment new innovations, so no two organizations have the same strategy.


For us at Chastest, global marketing is not a revolutionary shift, it is an evolutionary process. As part of our vision we would through our various strategies guide your organisation from the Domestic through to the Multinational market.

  • Strategic Marketing Planning

  • Building Brand identity

  • Product & Service Launches

  • Internal / External Audits

  • Message Development and Positioning

  • Marketing plans and audits

  • Market analysis

  • Service development

  • New service launch

  • Advertising plans

  • Advertising audits

  • Pricing analysis

  • Competitor analysis

  • Web page analysis including: usability; design upgrades, search strategy and optimization, and web advertising strategies 


Public Relations

Chastest specialises in integrated communications programmes through our key areas of activity: public relations, public affairs, corporate communications and event management. We virtually and physically interact and communicate with publics and/or audiences within and outside our scope of location to build a dynamic set of relationships which our clients are sure to benefit immensely.

  • Aggressive Public Relations

  • Press Releases

  • Specialized Radio Relations

  • Media Training

  • Case Studies

  • Press Conferences

  • Media Events

  • Authored Articles

  • Speaking Opportunities

  • White Papers

  • Award Submissions

  • Product Reviews

  • Company Profiles

  • Corporate Announcements

  • Press Kits

  • Editorial & Special Section Opportunities 


Digital Media strategy and Web Marketing:

The digital revolution is not just about powerful technology. It is about enabling businesses to explore and experiment. Creating a culture of innovation. We integrate technologists into everything we do for the very fact that we understand helping businesses make the most of technology to achieve set results is the key to their digital future. We help our clients get more traffic to their website, and guide them on how to convert that traffic into qualified leads or sales.

  • Website Creation and App Development

  • Search Engine Optimization

  • Google Ad-words

  • Web Lead Generation

  • Interactive Online Banners

  • Multimedia Presentations

  • Email marketing Campaigns

  • Social media management which includes content creation, strategy, listening and paid social ads 



Generally, advertising is the promotion of a product and/or service which is extremely pervasive in contemporary society. To maximize sales, companies will pay a premium for wide exposure through the mass media. Advertising space is common, but not restricted to these realms; billboards, public transportation, movies (product placement), schools, clothing, even bathroom stalls carry ads and the industry is constantly finding new ways to advertise. For us at Chastest, we think of the best possible way to make our clients achieve their targets. Restrictions are not limitations, they are innovative platforms.

  • Logo Development

  • Corporate Identity

  • Style Guide Development

  • Corporate Collar

  • Print

  • Broadcast

  • Interactive

  • Outdoor

  • PowerPoint Presentations

  • Trade Show Booth / Event Development

  • Datasheets 



The vast majority of persons in our organisation have been at the apogee of reputable firms where they have had to deal with top flight media practitioners and handled accounts of multinational companies. Chastest is poised to help you target your customers more precisely and in the most cost effective manner, and help to maximise budgets and deliver results.

  • Media Research & Recommendations

  • Media Rates / Contract Negotiation

  • Merchandising Opportunities

  • Editorial / Special Section Opportunities 


For us at Chastest, research is the application of quantitative research techniques to the field of marketing. It has roots in both the positivist view of the world, and the modern marketing viewpoint that marketing is an interactive process in which both the buyer and seller reach a satisfying agreement on the “four Ps” of marketing. In edging us to make effective decisions, we also take into consideration some qualitative analysis which has proved helpful.

  • Market Research

  • Product Research

  • Media Research

  • Demographic Research

  • Competitive Research 


Business Start-Ups:

Over the years we have built a pool of tools as well as strategies that have helped us become what we are today and have also been useful in helping our clients facilitate their entrepreneurial curiosity and creativity by providing tailored mentoring and practical hands-on consultancy.
The bottom line is that we help entrepreneurs, inventors and innovators, early stage startups and incubators to launch new businesses, enter new markets, commercialise breakthrough ideas and more so, spot new gaps as well as opportunities for growth.

  • Idea generation

  • Business plan

  • Financial plans

  • Market analysis

  • Competitor analysis

  • Staff training

  • Growth hacking  


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